§ Portfolio
Feel free to check my Github and Gitlab profiles.
See below for a context with precise links to my contributions.
§ Alephium 🔗
- AUR package owner for the desktop wallet.
- Tweaked a few things for the package to work on Linux.
- Fix in app-builder the underlying tool used to package the wallet.
§ Swapbox 🔗
- Improvements of the Python code base for the GUI.
- Review and development of the smart contracts in Solidity.
- Development of the driver for notes dispensers in Go and comms via ZMQ.
- Review and clean up of ZMQ protocols for the note dispensers and the blockchain calls in Typescript.
- Setup of vanity URLs for Go packages.
§ Commercial Go And DevOps Experience
- Tech lead of a small team designing a niche, large-scale data processing system written in Go.
- Leverages complex PostgreSQL schemas and queries with Go code generation.
- Provides a robust and auditable configuration.
- Exposes REST API documented via a generated openAPI specification.
- Includes logging, monitoring, data backups, tasks scheduling, and more.
- Overhaul of the company's infrastructure, including:
- Significant upgrades of the Gitlab CI/CD and Ansible roles for deployments.
- Setup of Docker images and registry.
- Cloud management via Exoscale1 and migration of domains, DNS records, and emails.
- Open-source contributions to various projects: pggen, gendal, koanf, go-trustedproxies, sqldb-logger.
§ Python, Blockchain And TradFi Experience
Previously I worked at a cryptocurrencies broker based in Switzerland. My tasks included:
- Designing a tool using Python and asyncio to interact with Swiss banks.
- Establish code and quality standards.
- Help review some Solidity smart contracts for compliance.
- Assisted the infra team with the elaboration and documentation of the packaging process for Python projects into Debian packages.
- Released a Python library for parsing DTA statements, an old Swiss bank format.
§ ERC777 Token Standard And Solidity Experience 🔗
For my Master Thesis, I co-authored the ERC777 Token Standard and ERC1820 Registry:
- Learned from the best minds in Ethereum, such as my co-authors and all who provided feedback.
- Co-authoring of the EIPs using precise, concise wording and interactions with the community.
- Development of the Solidity Reference Implementation, tests and deployments.
§ CERN: Initial Python And Open-Source Experience 🔗
Earlier, I started my career at CERN in Geneva, working on Indico, which taught me:
- Development in Python and JavaScript.
- Proper open-source collaboration and interaction with a community.
Exoscale is a Swiss-based cloud hosting alternative to AWS.